Sunday, August 23, 2009

Let's Talk About it - Sex

Are you aware of the rise in cases of sexually transmitted diseases? Gonorrhea, syphilis and chlamydia are on the rise (surveillance reports). Of course many people have forgotten all about these diseases, while some have never heard of them and as a result the prevalence of new cases is now a cause for concern. The focus on HIV/AIDS made the other STD's seem almost harmless. However, the truth is that gonorrhea, syphilis and chlamydia can be treated with antibiotics and in some cases, cured if detected and treated in the early stage.

Gonorrhea also known as the clap is one of the most common infectious diseases and can be transmitted through the mouth, vagina, penis, or anus. The bacteria grow in warm, moist areas of the body, including the tubes that carry urine out of the body (urethra). The bacteria may be found in the fallopian tubes, uterus, and cervix of women. This disease can even grow in the eyes. What are the symptoms?

Syphilis is also a common bacteria that causes infection when it gets into the mucus membranes or broken skin of the genitals. Although it can be transmitted in other ways, it is usually transmitted through sexual contact. Be informed of the symptoms

Chlamydia is yet another common disease in the United States and this bacteria is also transmitted through sexual contact. If this disease is untreated, it can cause infertility, painful pelvic inflammatory disease, can be passed on to babies at birth, and may also result in having a fatal etopic pregnancy. How might I know if I have chlamydia?

HIV/AIDS cases are still on the rise. However, it is not receiving the same attention it did in the past as it seems to be controlled under treatment. The problem is that many people are infected and are unaware. They may not even give it a thought, may be afraid to find out, and in some cases they may know and not care with the idea that they have nothing to lose. With that in mind, it is up to you to make sure that you take responsibility in protecting yourself and know your status.
Get Tested

Monday, August 17, 2009

Health & Wellness begins on Monday

Are you one of those who will make the weekend decision to begin on Monday? "Staring Monday I will eat healthy, exercise and try to maintain a healthy weight." Of course, there are those who will make the attempt on Monday and successfully make it through the week with their goals. However, there are some who with the best intentions fall off the track simply by eating a snack or making a food choice that they know is not the best healthy choice - using that moment to then continue to eat whatever and as much as they want with the new proclamation to begin the healthy plan again next week. There are also the office events, someone's leaving, someone's birthday, someone felt like bringing in a homemade pie or cookies, etc. and of course you do not want to offend anyone so you indulge. On the other hand, it may be missing the morning run or a gym day. Whatever the situation, do not allow it to take you completely off your track.

Keep in mind that you are working to improve your health and wellness. Therefore,you will need to make the necessary adjustments. So you missed a day at the gym, or you woke up late and could not go for your walk/run, you enjoyed a meal or snack that is not on your healthy plan list, the next meal should be one that is healthy. If possible, use the stairs on your way out of the office. Once you are home, plan to do some jumping jacks, sit ups, push ups, and any other indoor exercises that may work for you.

Good health requires consistency and it is a work in progress. The challenge is to eat healthy and maintain a well balanced diet to enjoy a healthy and prolonged life. Keep moving through the detours you will find that you are well on your way in the right direction.

Monday, August 3, 2009

An Alert about Skin Sanitizer, Protectant Products Made by Clarcon Biological Chemical Laboratory Inc.

Many of us have developed the habit of keeping our hands clean. We often wash our hands with soap and water and in some cases we use the hand sanitizing products as they are convenient to carry in your pocket or bag. Keeping hands clean is mandatory in many professions as it relates to health care, food and other related professions. However, it is very important to know which products are safe.

U.S. Marshals, at the request of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, have seized all skin sanitizers and skin protectants, including ingredients and components, at Clarcon Biological Chemistry Laboratory’s Roy, Utah facility. The FDA is also warning consumers not to use any Clarcon products because they contain harmful bacteria and are promoted as antimicrobial agents that claim to treat open wounds, damaged skin, and protect against various infectious diseases. No cases have been reported to the FDA.

Clarcon voluntarily recalled the affected products, marketed under several different brand names, in June 2009, following an FDA inspection that revealed high levels of potentially disease-causing bacteria in the products.
The inspection also uncovered serious deviations from the FDA’s Current Good Manufacturing Practice regulations, including poor practices that permitted the contamination. The FDA’s seizure of these products, along with their ingredients and any in-process or bulk materials, occurred after Clarcon did not agree to promptly destroy them. The FDA is protecting the public by preventing these products from entering the marketplace.

“The FDA is committed to taking enforcement action against firms that do not manufacture drugs in accordance with our current good manufacturing practice requirements,” said Deborah M. Autor, director of the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research Office of Compliance. “We will remain vigilant in our efforts to protect consumers from defective products.”

Clarcon produced and distributed over 800,000 bottles of these products in multiple regions of the country since 2007. Consumers should not use any Clarcon products and should dispose of them in their household trash.
Analyses of several samples of the topical antimicrobial skin sanitizer and skin protectant products revealed high levels of various bacteria. Some of these bacteria can cause opportunistic infections of the skin and underlying tissues. Such infections may need medical or surgical attention and may result in permanent damage. Examples of products that should be discarded are:

Citrushield Lotion
Dermasentials DermaBarrier
Dermassentials by Clarcon Antimicrobial Hand Sanitizer
Iron Fist Barrier Hand Treatment
Skin Shield Restaurant
Skin Shield Industrial
Skin Shield Beauty Salon Lotion
Total Skin Care Beauty
Total Skin Care Work

Health care professionals and consumers may report serious adverse events or product quality problems with the use of this product to the FDA's MedWatch Adverse Event Reporting program either online, or by regular mail, fax, or phone. Voluntary Reporting Form

Be informed and pass it on.