Friday, June 20, 2014

Distraction - Fatal Outcomes (Parents/Caregivers)

Can it be that you have so much on your mind that you are not aware of your surroundings? Are you in a hurry? Are you overwhelmed with the responsibilities of life? Are you running late? Do you have something to do and you are focused on your task? Are you wondering when these questions will end or what's the point? Well, it's about parents leaving their children in cars while going off to run errands in stores, some have even gone to work.

It is very important to be present and mindful of your duty as a parent. It is never okay to leave a child in a car even if you are running into a store to pick up something quick. Your single/simple item has nothing to do with anyone else who may be on the line waiting to check out. Being a parent is a huge responsibility which will come with many challenges and the priorities of life shifts into a different mode. It's no longer just about you.

Tomorrow is the first day of summer and the heat is already on. In fact, this past week there were two deaths related to parents forgetting their child in the car. While they spent their day at work, the heat was stifling the life out of the children. Needless to say, when the parent returned to the car and realize the error, the rest is indescribable.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Kick It While You Still Have A Chance - Smoking

Aaaaah yes, my teen years were quite an impressionable time. There was something about cigarettes that was appealing. The way that they spoke while holding the cigarette and puffing in between sentences was so cool. The cigarette smoking community seemed to all be friends, well at least before the prices went all the way up. They would just ask a complete stranger for a cigarette and they would freely share, in some cases, they would strike up a conversation. The whole thing fascinated me. Well, thanks to my parents and the fear that they instilled in me by sharing the consequences of smoking, I chose to listen.

However, there is the dark side of smoking that despite the label warnings, the health concerns and other efforts to bring awareness to the fatal outcomes - smoking is still a concern especially for teenagers. The newest campaign is set to target teenagers by giving them the hard facts and images of smoking.

Thankfully, the Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Dr. Margaret A. Hamburg and her team are making this serious health concern a priority. It's time to kick it while you still have a chance to avoid the serious side of smoking.