Monday, February 23, 2009

A Powerful Health Benefit - Meditation

Meditation has become quite the subject of controversy. The conflicts arise in the various religious takes on the act of meditation. The bible has many references to meditation. The spiritual benefit is to experience the ultimate connection with God. However, some Christians believe that Meditation has shifted away from God and moved to the power of the self and in some cases, other Gods. Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, New Age, Taoism and Jainism all embrace and promote meditation. It is an integral part of practice that they strongly believe will serve to enlighten and empower us. With respect to all religions, I would recommend mediation based on the findings of research studies that shows some of the great health benefits:

 It leads to a deeper level of relaxation
 Increases exercise tolerance in heart patients
 Slows the heart rate and increases the blood flow
 Reduces pre menstrual syndrome
 Lowers oxygen consumption
 Assist in chronic diseases like arthritis, allergies, etc.
 Boosts the immune system
 Reduces anxiety attacks
 Builds self confidence
 Helps keep things in perspective
 Provides peace of mind, happiness
 Helps you discover your purpose
 Increased self-actualization
 Gain compassion
 Wisdom
 Clearer understanding of yourself and others
 Unites the body, mind, spirit in harmony
 Higher level of spiritual relaxation
 Increases acceptance of oneself
 Helps you to learn forgiveness
 Changes your attitude toward life

The great news is that meditation does not cost you anything but your time. It requires consistency and a quiet place, preferably the same time if possible. Some place where you can focus on being still and cleanse the mind of negative thoughts while replacing the mind with positive affirmations. Keep in mind that this will take some time as your mind is filled with many thoughts that you have held over the years that’s where consistency is key. Don’t be alarmed if you find that you are having a tough time concentrating on being still – that’s when your mind begins to distract you with thoughts (what you would like to have for dinner, something you needed to do at work, plans for an event, etc.). Keep focused on being quiet let the thoughts flush through and begin to focus on quieting the mind. You may want to repeat a line in your mind “Nothing is impossible” or “I can do all things” - something that will give you a sense of calm. The goal of meditation is to lift your spirit to another level which should sustain you even when you are up and about. Why not give it a try, it may be the best thing you have ever done. Remember, consistency is key to experience the benefits of meditation.

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