Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Holidays Healthy Days.........

With the festivities in full swing, parties at every turn, one cannot help but to be concerned about their health - we hope. 'Tis the season of waistline awareness ♬ fa la la la la ♬ la la la la ♬. Have you ditched the watch what you eat compass and traded it in for the not so reliable or good idea of "I'll begin working out in the New Year?"
Oh yes, we all know how that goes :-)

Some of us have actually taken on the head start of working out now so that we can enjoy the full on feast of the season. While others are maintaining their workout throughout the year, watching their intake at every turn. There has to be a balance.

Off to finding healthy choices for the holidays so that we can enjoy a guilt free celebration time. How about trying something new :-)

Let's see what we have here..........

Yummy, yum, yum --> Dessert

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