Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Oh the Juicing We Can Do!

Okay, you have decided to take a chance and make your own home made version of the V8 Splash :-) Mixing your fruits and vegetables into a delicious drink can be a fun adventure. Well, I could remember the days when I would look at the V8 drink before it added the splash of fruits and think to myself - why would anyone drink tomatoes and refer to it as a juice? Tomatoes were limited to salads, on sandwiches or burgers and sauces - not in any way to be considered a drink.

However, we now have the meeting of the fruits and vegetables blending in a juicer to create a delicious, healthy treat. The big question that many may ask - is juicing good for you? The answer is Yes. Fruits and vegetables are good for you. On the other hand, you should not turn strictly to juicing and eliminating your meals as a way to lose weight. Of course you will lose weight, but when you decide to eat something again, and you will - oh boy. Your metabolism will not know where to begin, there will be a welcome back party with your fat cells headlining the whole process.

This past weekend, my husband made a delightfully delicious blend of fruits & vegetables drink, then filled up his containers. It was a healthy splash that shocked my body into feeling extra special. In fact, I am already coming up with ideas of mixes to juice: Kiwi, Strawberries, Bananas, Pineapples, Mangoes, Blueberries, peaches, apples, pears, etc. I just can't imagine what vegetable belongs in the mix. The thing is I LOVE vegetables. I love spinach, broccoli, celery, carrots, pumpkin, squash, yams and other green leafy vegetables. It's just that my face starts to distort a bit when I begin to think of mixing. In any case, this juicing will be a lot of fun.

What will you do with the pulp blend? Yes, the pulp is great for its fiber, but for many, the point of juicing is to get the juice not the pulp.

I'm not sure that I would recommend that you volunteer to bake cakes or muffins for your church or charity sale. Although there are some people who have used the pulp to make breads, muffins or cakes, I'm not sure how tasty it would be. I guess you could add some raisins and nuts.

You can make a stew, add it to a sauce, perhaps sprinkle it on your salad?

Another suggestion would be to use it as a compost.

Above all, if you are under the care of a physician, please discuss juicing before you try it. Although fruits and vegetables are highly recommended and they are indeed good for you, in some cases, it may not be GOOD or YOU. Some fruits and vegetables may be high in sugar which may present some health complications for those with pre-existing conditions.

Other wise, if you are free and clear to juice, go on and try it. Perhaps you can share some of your blends with me :-)

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