Saturday, January 15, 2011

Keeping Up With 2011

One week into the New Year and you are motivated, now it's the second week and you're still excited. This is it! This is the year you will shed those excess pounds once and for all. It may be the year to give up drinking alcohol, smoking, using or abusing drugs, engaging in unsafe sex, fighting, cursing,texting while driving, etc.

What makes this time so different? The responses vary:

I mean it
I just know it
I've signed up for the gym
My doctor told me that I had to make a change
Once I make up my mind, I will do it, I've done it before
It's different this time trust me I know

and on and on............. whatever the motivation or reason for making it work this time, it will take a whole lot of consistency and determination to succeed.

You may need a support system. Ask someone to join you. If you cannot find anyone, consider signing up with your local support groups. Support groups gives serves as your very own cheering team. They help you with your goals to change. There are many out there:

Alcohol & Drugs
Safe Sex

You can also find support within your local communities:

Church - many churches have support groups
Health Clinics - check with your city or Department of Health State website
Community Center - often have services or referrals to assist/support you
Runners Club - some communities have run/walks within their parks

Whatever you need, there is something out there to assist you. Go for it!!

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