Wednesday, May 23, 2012

What Gives? Understanding the Cervical Cancer Screening 2012

It appears that there are always changes in the cancer screening guidelines and many people are confused with the frequent changes. With the various forms of cancers, it is often difficult to know which one has changed. After attending a dinner program for healthcare professionals on the progress of cervical cancer screenings, I wanted to share it with you. I have followed the cervical cancer screenings and the controversies that surrounded it as it had not been completely accepted by some in the medical community. However, it appears that the latest guidelines have ha a better reception.
The best thing to do is discuss your concerns with your doctor. Your doctor knows your health history and if you do not know your family's health history, find a way to be screened for the necessary tests. Be sure to share your health history with your children.

Based on the latest research studies, the United States Preventative Services Task Force and the American Cancer Society have released a new guideline for cervical cancer screenings.

Dr. Peter Frederick a gynecological oncologist explains the new cervical cancer screening guidelines for 2012. Be informed and share! :-)

Here's a look back....
New Cancer Guidelines Controversy (Part I)

New Cervical Cancer Screening Guidelines (Part II)

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